The BlackBerry Passport will reportedly feature 4K video recording

BlackBerry Passport, the next flagship device from the Canadian mobile tech major, will support 4K video recording, suggests a new disclosure. But the feature will not be available when the handset is unveiled, which is expected in September. BlackBerry is currently looking at the 4K recording feature. If the testing is successful, the video capability will be added in the upcoming operating system, BlackBerry 10.3.1, for BlackBerry Passport, according to CrackBerry.

When it comes to the full specs of the BlackBerry Passport, from everything we know thus far BlackBerry loaded the device up. When it finally gets released, it will have better specs than any previous BlackBerry released. With that in mind though, it seems BlackBerry may have held back just a tiny bit for now when it comes to the video recording capabilities of the device. According to a new image from @DHabkirk, BlackBerry is currently looking at adding 4K video recording but it won’t be present when the device is fully announced in September. Instead, if it passes the testing it will be added upon the arrival of BlackBerry 10.3.1 to the Passport. Looking at it all, it’s not really a surprise 4K would be added. The camera module on the BlackBerry Passport was pegged as having the ability to support 4K long ago and BlackBerry notably mentioned they were definitely looking into adding 4K on their ICanMakeItBetter site pretty much four months ago but that was all based on speculation.

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