The Chip Gripper, or: You’ll Buy Anything A Hot Girl Is Selling

Anyone here familiar with chindōgu?

Translated as ‘unusual tool’, chindōgu is the Japanese art of inventing devices which, while technically solving everyday problems, are so ridiculous and awkward, they really have no reason to exist. Seriously, I’m not making this up.

Anyway, check this action out. The Potechi Chip Gripper is half-robotic arm, half-dining etiquette taken too far, and all-Japan. Designed to replace the obviously barbaric task of eating potato chips with one’s hand, the Chip Gripper acts as a middleman between you and that ocean of grease that typically pervades your potato chip ingestion experience. Sort of gives me the same pretentious vibe as those little binoculars-on-a-stick you get at an opera house, inexplicably crossbred with good ol’ round-edged neon Japanese cuteness. Bizarre.

So, my choices are: seven dollars for one of these, or a buck fifty for some paper towels? I think I’ll remain a barbarian, and just keep using my hands. Next time, Japan. Next time.

Oh snap, more pictures! You like pictures, right?









[Via BitRebels]


  1. Hehe, it’s really not THAT stupid. Anyway, the Japanese blond chick looks nice;) Nice website you have here, I guess i’ll be a regular visitor. Peace!


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