The Coolest Multifunction Carpet In The World


There are some things that are just too cool not to mention, no matter how weird it might seem. This is that moment, but what is amazing is that it involves carpet. Yes. Carpet. It is that amazing.

Transforming furniture seems to be all the rage lately, so it makes sense that transforming carpet is next on the list, and even though it is hard for us to imagine how this would work in our own homes, it looks amazing and useful.

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The concept, seemingly, isn’t all that difficult. You have plenty of carpet in your house, right? It sits on your floor, it provides a nice space to walk on, and it provides some cushion for your butt when you want to sit on it. Simple enough. But why limit it to just those tasks?

Why not make your carpet truly useful? Why not enable it to adapt to your own needs?

If you need a desk, make it. If you need a back support, make it. If you need a tablet to eat from, make it. Whatever you might need, make it.

That is what this carpet wants to enable the owner to do.

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It is a truly unique and thoughtful space-saving design that seems genuinely useful.

We just want to have a chance go experience it for ourselves.

[via FastCompany]


  1. Wow, I think that many people would want to have one of those carpets. I mean, it’s very savvy! It doesn’t consume a lot of space, and is convenient for any use. People living in a condo unit or apartments would probably be purchasing one! Technology has really been making our lives easier right now.


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