When Money Becomes Remarkable, Even In The Dark


Walk up to a bartender, ask her for the house special, and drop a few of these bills — you’ll instantly own the joint.

It’s glow in the dark money, after all. What more can be said?

You see, Jaesik HeoHojoon Lim & Dahaeng Lim have put this idea into action and have created an intriguing concept.

They know what the people want — we want to be able to pull out our wallets, open them up, and instantly find the cash we have to pay. After all, if you are going to have to pay for something, you might as well do it with style. Not to mention that being able to make sure you handed someone a $10 bill instead of a $100 bill while in the dark is a very nice idea.

And come on United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing, you need to one-up the U.S. Mint with their fancy metal coins.

Make this happen. Seriously!

[via YankoDesign]


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