While Japan is the country with the highest number of vending machines per capita, this does not mean that other countries, too, are able to have some of the more unique vending machines to serve the masses. Take France for example – Operator Free Mobile, famous for their extremely cheap phone contracts, will enable one to pick up a contract from a vending machine kiosk in a matter of minutes.
With its ambitions on the market of mobile phones, Free Mobile , the fourth French operator wants to strengthen its presence in physical spaces. It formalizes the arrival of the first terminal to purchase a SIM and subscribe to a mobile subscription. For starters, the device will be placed in signs Maison de la Presse and MagPresse. Developed by Free, the new kiosk, equipped with a touch screen, you will sign up to the mobile of your choice without going through the Internet check box. ” A subscription to the subscription of your choice in 3 minutes , “these are the watchwords of the operator.After that, you can directly remove your new SIM card (activated directly) from the terminal, the nano size, or micro SIM standard.