Especially during the holiday season it can be difficult to plan out every aspect of our party-going and figure out who is going to be the designated driver, if anyone is at all. With office parties, family gatherings and plenty of other opportunities to enjoy the merriment of the season one of the only things that can put a damper on the festivities is a DUI or worse, a fatal crash.
With this in mind the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” holiday campaign against drunk drivers has been in force for more than a decade to help reduce the number of drunken fatalities on the road. Overall this campaign has experienced an amazing amount of success over the course of its existence reducing the number of fatal accidents by 2.5 percent in 2013 and over the course of the campaign by more than 23 percent.
For this holiday season the Federal Government has launched and App that will help even more. This App is called the SaferRide App and is designed to make it much easier for someone who is intoxicated be able to call a cab or friend and identifies their location to the individual receiving the phone call so they can quickly and easily head out and pick them up.
With an app that makes it this easy to call for a cab or phone a friend there is really no reason, not like there really was before, why anyone should ever get behind the wheel of a car while drunk. Not only is it very dangerous with over 10,000 fatalities at the hands of drunk drivers in 2013 but it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher in all states and illegal to have any BAC when under the age of 21.
By arming yourself and your friends and family with the SaferRide app, you can feel more at peace knowing they will be able to make it home safely and deal with retrieving their car the next day after spending the night sleeping in their own bed rather than in a jail cell or worse, ending the night in a fatal crash. What could be a better way to show those around you that you really car than to show them this free app and how to use it along with being that friend they have set up to call when they need a ride home.
With the crackdown and higher awareness of drunk driving by police everywhere along with the desire to have family, friends and coworkers make it home safely, make it a priority to discuss, suggest and even help set up the SaferRide app on their phones so they will be sure to have an easy way to get home safely. You will certainly feel better about it, the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign will continue to experience great success, and whoever uses the app will be glad they did because they get to be safe and free rather than locked up or dead.
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