Everyone who has ever used earphones understands the frustration of having them fall out. Even the best earphones out there are limited by the fact that not all ears are the same size, and one size fits all isn’t really achievable. This is why Harman came up with a new method of producing earphones that creates a 3D scan of your ears and then custom makes the earphones for you.
There’s nothing worse than having an amazing set of in-ear headphones constantly fall out. We’ve all felt the frustration when those silicone buds pop out during a jog or after a big yawn. Many audio companies have tried to counter the issue by offering jumbo-sized silicone tips. While they do stay in the ear, the jamming can be uncomfortable. Harman revealed a solution at CES this week — custom earpieces molded to perfection using 3D scanning technology. With their partner United Sciences, the audio and infotainment company developed headphones that seal the ear just right, allowing for optimum fit, comfort and sound.