Is Early Adoption of Technology for the Rich and Ignorant?

early mac

I love early adopters. They get the newest gadgets, the latest technology, the bleeding-edge widgets and gizmos that I might or might not want to get for myself at some point. To many, it’s a statement of who they are – the gotta-geek-at-any-expense techno-hounds who frown on anyone who still has a CD collection.

They are the front-liners who bravely explore the technology that only they and tech-bloggers touch. They are bleeding-edge so many of the rest of us can be cutting-edge.

We all know that new technology means inflated prices. Just how inflated are they? This graphic below by our friends at Savings illustrates what recent history has taught us about early adoption. Are the bleeding-edge folks ignorant for bravely buying the gadgets while the rest of us wait and see? You be the judge.

Click to Enlarge.

Early Adopter Technology scaled 1 1


  1. The “reason” early adopters buy and what motivates their actions is VERY well documented. In fact, the first study of buyer-type “psychographics” was conducted in 1957.

    “Innovators” are the first to buy anything new…NOT early adopters. And early adopters (about 13.5 percent of the market) are less fascinated with technology but are often quick to see the potential benefits of something new. Early adopters are primarily visionaries.

    You can read all about it:


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