Is TechCrunch Disrupt a good indicator of future success?

Techcrunch Disrupt

Michael Arrington and Techcrunch have been called many things by many people over the years. They have a tendency to push towards the controversial side of tech reporting. They are fearless, sometimes obnoxious, and generally loved or hated, depending on which side of the fence you’re on.

They’ve also been called disruptive, and thus their tech-startup extravaganza every years goes by the name “Disrupt”. Can they pick winners?

As this graphic by our friends at Namesake shows, it can be argued that they have a sense for what’s going to work and what will fail. While predicting the success of startups is never perfect, TechCrunch Disrupt has had several startups such as Mint, docstoc, Dropbox, and Namesake cross their halls and find great success.

Click to enlarge.

TechCrunch v4 added investors slim


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