Malawian call center provides health services to 200,000 people

Malawian mothers and guardians of young children who live in villages far from health facilities are heaving a sigh of relief, after the introduction of a hotline through which they can access medical advice.ย VillageReach, a non-profit NGO, is running a program called Chipatala Cha Pa Foni which means Health Center by Phone.

Doreen Namasala presses talk on her neon pink desktop phone to answer the latest call to the VillageReach health hotline. Speaking in Chichewa, the hotline worker asks the caller for her name, whether she is pregnant, when she is due and what symptoms she’s experiencing. With the help of a custom software program and spiral-bound manual, Namasala will recommend a plan of action โ€” perhaps getting rest or visiting a medical professional โ€” after a few minutes on the phone.

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