MeMINI ensures you’ll never lose the precious moments in your life

The era of wearable technology has already seen the likes of Google Glass which sparked a flurry of privacy debates on release, but this unique offering takes on a different angle allowing you to record once in a lifetime moments without having to record hours of unwanted footage. 

Nearly hitting a $50,000 funding goal on Kickstarter, the MeMINI is a small, high definition video camera that can be worn on clothing in order to capture specific moments during the day. Constantly recording video when active, the MeMINI can record between 5 seconds to 5 minutes on a continuous loop. When the MeMINI owner experiences a moment that they want to capture, a single press of the Recall button on the device stores the most recent loop of video. Conceptually, the design allows users to record specific one-of-a-kind, sharable moments in addition to cutting down on editing time when processing the video at a later time. 

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