Momentum Labs has unveiled its Moment smartwatch

When it comes to wearable technology such as smartwatches, there seems to be many different designs made available, and this is definitely a growing market, with established players such as Samsung working on new designs even as you read this. The folks over at Momentum Labs are pleased to show off its Moment smartwatch that intends to offer up to 30 days of battery life, now how about that? For a regular timepiece, 30 days of battery life is considered to be silly and impractical, but for a smartwatch, it does sound like a breakthrough. The Moment smartwatch sports an interesting design that comes in a simple bracelet alongside a digital watch face located on top, while all of the more useful information that a smartwatch ought to deliver will be located on the inside of your wrist.

We’ve all heard the criticisms of smartwatches by now: they’re ugly, or too limited, or don’t offer enough of a reason to invest in one. Whatever your personal criticism of the wearable technology may be, the folks behind the Moment Smartwatch concept aim to squash it. Though only a concept at this point, Momentum Labs’ smartwatch aims to trump competitors’ offerings in many ways. The Moment Smartwatch is vaporware — a concept through and through, though according to Momentum Labs’ Ray Fischer in a statement to VentureBeat, approximately 80-percent of the research and development for the smartwatch has been wrapped up. The remaining R&D will only happen once actual production begins, which will hinge on successful funding. That funding will be achieved through a Kickstarter campaign starting June 24th if the company is successful. When it does go on sale — again, assuming it ever comes to fruition — Momentum Labs is looking to sell its futuristic offering for $230 USD. Unlike current smartwatch options, which feature a square or rectangular face and traditional wristband, the Moment Smartwatch — in theory — will feature a stainless steel wristband adorned with an electrophorectic display spanning its entire surface.

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