Over 6.4 million games were played during the Destiny alpha last week

Bungie says that it feels ‘reborn’ after the success of its Destiny alpha on PS4 last week. The short gameplay taster was made available to a select number of PS4 owners who applied for access, resulting in nearly 6.5m games played. “Putting our Alpha out there lit a new kind of fire here at Bungie,” the Halo creators said. “It feels like we’ve been reborn. “Putting alpha code out in the wild is always a risk; that build is ancient by our standards, riddled with content and bugs we’d never allow through to ship. In many cases, the really rough and jagged edges had been hammered smooth long ago, making it all the more difficult to see them discovered, but in just as many others, there’s still work to do, and the only way to get it done is to let you touch down in our world to tear the place wide open.”

Activision has announced that they are planning on spending as much as $500 million on Bungie’s upcoming shooter, Destiny. Safe to say that are hoping that the game will turn out to be the next big thing in shooters. Sony too, seems pretty confident that Destiny will become the PlayStation 4’s best-selling title for 2014, so it looks like a lot will be riding on its release. That being said, during E3 2014, Bungie announced that they would be opening the game’s alpha to PlayStation gamers and if you’re wondering just how well-received that alpha was,Bungie has some numbers for you. According to the developers, they claimed that the alpha, which was open for a short period of time, managed to see over 6.4 million games played. This resulted in over 149 million primary weapon kills, 21 million secondary weapon kills, 4 million heavy weapon kills, and so on. According to Bungie, “Putting alpha code out in the wild is always a risk; that build is ancient by our standards, riddled with content and bugs we’d never allow through to ship.” However they add that despite it being classified as an alpha, the team felt that the release was still a relatively smooth one. “In many cases, the really rough and jagged edges had been hammered smooth long ago, making it all the more difficult to see them discovered, but in just as many others, there’s still work to do, and the only way to get it done is to let you touch down in our world to tear the place wide open.”

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