Path, a private photo-sharing mobile social network, has announced that its users will have the ability to have messages disappear after a specific time has elapsed. This feature will be launched next week. Ephemeral messaging is one of Snapchat’s most popular features, which started a trend. Apple is adding the same feature to iMessage when iOS 8 launches this fall. “To further improve your privacy when messaging on Path, all messages will become 24 hour ephemeral starting June 11th,” said Path in an internal message to users on Friday.
The trend toward ephemeral messaging is gaining even more steam, after private social network Path announced that its users will get the ability to have their messages disappear after a specific time has elapsed, starting next week. “To further improve your privacy when messaging on Path, all messages will become 24 hour ephemeral starting June 11th,” according to an internal message from the company to its users, which many discovered on Friday. On Path’s support page detailing the change, it adds: “This means that all new messages will be automatically removed from our servers 24 hours after being sent, including your old messages. All messages downloaded from our servers will be kept on your device until you log out, uninstall or update to a new version of Path.”
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