Pinterest has been looking at its demographics and has come to the conclusion that it has a serious gender problem: there simply aren’t enough men using the website. A lack of diverse users can prove to be a serious problem when you’re product or service isn’t aimed at a specific demographic, which Pinterest isn’t. That’s why the company has decided to actually start filtering out some of the more feminine content that might be deterring men from using the service.
We want to give you a quick look at some of the improvements we’ve been making behind the scenes to the results you see in Guided Search. If you do a lot of searching on Pinterest, you may already have noticed the results you’re seeing are better than ever. For example, say you’re looking for a new watch. Before when you searched Pinterest for “watches,” your results would include mostly women’s timepieces. But now, men will see Pins and guides inspired by what other guys have Pinned, and everybody’s results should feel a lot closer to what they’re looking for. Of course if you ever want results for another gender, like if you’re shopping for a gift for someone else, you can always use the guides to fine-tune your search.