Facebook features

The wrong ways (and right way) to do contests or giveaways...

There's a trend on Facebook that simply won't die. Many business pages continue to offer giveaways, contests, and even "exclusive"...
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There are several different ways that businesses go about using Facebook for marketing. Some use it for branding only. Others...
Oh, the regrets. Things happen. We start heading down the wrong direction and suddenly we find ourselves in a bad...
In many ways, Facebook has lost some of its luster as a business tool. It isn't that it's not possible...
EdgeRank. It's a mythical beast in many ways, not because it isn't real but because it is very misunderstood by...
Going viral today matters as much as having a hit record. But you don’t want to do it in the...
How desperate are you for your favorite celebrity to read your letter? The Guardian reports the introduction of a new...
It was probably just a statistical anomaly. There's not chance that a social network that is comprised 3:2 women over...
Facebook is redesigning their news feed again and this time it looks like a very positive set of changes. The...
In one sentence, the advice that business owners and marketers need to hear is this: "Everything on your Facebook page...
In an environment with a billion users, millions of business pages, and just about every company in every industry trying...
There's always a risk when it comes to aggressive advertising and marketing that many are unwilling to take. On television,...