We are provided with an overwhelming amount of information daily, especially on paper and as we have grown to learning online and in real-time, no one wants to sit down anymore and read packets of paper, even if it is deemed important. IntelliPaper has a solution that is not only good for the environment; it is futuristic and available now.
intelliPaper has created a patented technology that is not only printable but digital data as well. Its purpose is to eliminate mounds of paper into a single strip of paper that when folded can be inserted into a USB port which will then transfer the necessary data onto your computer.
The paper acts much like the plastic of original USB devices due to the folding process and will keep the information in place in order for a computer to read it. Intellipaper can be reused but only if the paper and device are still intact, however, its intent is to only be used once or twice, also allowing consumers to create their own customized USB device that was newly added in recent months.
The paper, clearly is not just paper. It does contain a small piece of silicon but is friendlier to the environment since other USB devices use a significant amount of plastic and metal and although itelliPaper uses paper, it is still dramatically less than a stack of paper since it removes the need for it and instead allows you to input the information onto a small piece of paper. Currently intelliPaper can only store small files or a few web pages with the intent of larger storage to be produced in mid-2013.
Currently this method is ideal for educational institutes that can provide their yearly packets with the same information that is more advanced and better for the environment. This is also great for business cards since it can be added to include additional information about yourself efficiently and definitely help you become more memorable from the millions of business cards one receives.
There are countless ways that the intelliPaper can become useful to us and not only will it make for interesting ways of communicating, any design that is destined to transfer information and is good for the environment too is a worthy piece of technology for us all.