The trends of sales during the holidays often relies on the wants of children and teens. It isn’t just in their own gifts that we end up seeing the shift; adults will often follow the lead of their children when considering which gadgets to buy themselves and other adults.
In 2011, the iPad continues to grow as a desired gadget. Despite the onslaught by Amazon with their Kindle Fire, which hopes to regain their “top Christmas gadget” status that they had in 2009 with its predecessor, kids are still seeing a brighter future for the device with the bigger screen, more apps, and 3G capabilities.
On the gaming front, Microsoft continues to make strides with the Xbox while Nintendo and Sony are seeing their products becoming less-desirable by children. As the tail-end of the current generation of consoles looms near, Xbox is the only one that is growing in interest.
This infographic by Milo explores the various gadgets that kids want to see under the Christmas tree this year, showing the trends from last year amongst the two major age groups of American youth. Click to enlarge.