According to yet another lukewarm survey by yet another random analytics company, your tweets are worthless and nobody likes you.
Research conducted using 1.2 billion posts over the past 2 months found that 71% of tweets disappear into thin air.
Only 6% of tweets were retweeted, 23% received a reply. Over 90% of retweets occur within the first hour.
More amazingly, only 1.53% of Twitter conversations go further than two replies.
It’s comforting to know that something tweeted in error after a drunken night out won’t still be a conversation point in five years time, but surely the negative implications are more important.
Do people care about tweets? If you stopped tweeting would anyone notice?
It seems most likely that what’s missing from this survey is any kind of data about what percentage of the ignored data is spam, or if the 71% contained links that were clicked on.