It’s not a cute little chimp pushing buttons randomly. As you’ll see in the video, this guy plays Far Cry 2 well enough to get some kills and blow up some barrels.
Rise of the apes? Probably (see below). Still, the power of the opposable thumb is evident, as is the highly developed brain and oddly natural thirst for blood. Our closest relative in the animal kingdom may be more than just stronger and faster. In the future, he may be a better shot with an AK-47.
Update: This “viral video” from 20th Century Fox for Rise of the Planet of the Apes got us. At the 0:44 mark, the controller isn’t on, nor is the chimp using the fire buttons. Fun in the name of marketing, I suppose.
Taylor Harrison says
property of 20th century fox wasn’t a big enough hint for you to realize it wasn’t real eh?
Connor Q Livingston says
There’s a sucker born every day. I am definitely included in that process.
Geoffrey S. Bush says
Rofl… 20th century fox, and “unknown Japanese documentary”…. someone actually believed that there’s an unknown research facility in Japan that allowed 20th century fox to have real footage?