Organizational issues are hindering the development of iCloud

iCloud is Apple’s cloud storage service, but have you felt that perhaps it’s a bit lacking when compared to other cloud storage services out there? After all Apple should have the slight advantage, especially since it can sync photos and contacts a lot more seamlessly between iOS devices, right? Well as it turns out, organizational issues could be the reason why iCloud isn’t as advanced as it could and should be. This is according to AppleInsider, where it seems that a lack of a centralized cloud infrastructure team is slowing down Apple’s efforts at developing iCloud’s services.

Apple’s work-in-progress iCloud Photo Library still hasn’t fully realized the original concept, code-named “Hyperion,” that was pushed years ago by late company co-founder Steve Jobs, according to a new report. Jobs was said to be particularly fond of the Hyperion photo syncing project, according to a new report from Jessica E. Lessin of The Information. But even the new iCloud Photo Library, which missed its deadline and remains in beta, is not yet what Jobs and others at Apple had envisioned. Its predecessor, Photo Stream, would sync a user’s most recent photos captured on their iPhone. iCloud Photo Library syncs all images and is paired with new, cheaper iCloud storage plans. But Apple is said to have had problems in rolling out iCloud Photo Library, which people familiar with the operation say is as a result of the company’s internal structure. Specifically, sources told Lessin that Apple has been hampered by not having a “centralized team working on core cloud infrastructure.” Developers at Apple are reportedly expected to build “nearly everything on their own,” while the iPhone maker also lacks a product manager overseeing the entire iCloud Photo Library project.


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