
8 geeky shows that captured our hearts

Whether you are an open and proud geek or just getting in touch with your inner nerd, this list of...
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It's a tough call. On one hand, the detail and craftsmanship of these wonderful creations should be preserved for as...
It's getting more difficult all the time to blow the minds of kids today. They're more computer literate before hitting...
The question has a pretty obvious answer. People would have been excited if Danny DeVito was the producer. Still, the...
We published an interesting fan-made teaser trailer the other day for the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness movie. Shortly after...
Today is Guy Fawkes day. On this day in 1605, Fawkes was arrested for attempting to blow up King James...
It may be a stretch to say that this image taken by Reddit user Captain67 is a good depiction of Admiral...
One may debate whether or not this is truly "steampunk" or if it's just a modified motorcycle made to harken...
As the only true survivor of the entire Skywalker saga, the noble robot R2D2 watched the rise and fall of...
It's a shame that I didn't see this until after Comicon was over. I might have attended had I known...
There are times when having tech-savvy friends is a benefit. They can help you with computer problems, often answer your...
When the credits rolled on "The Dark Knight" I was saddened because I knew there was no way the conclusion...