The Neptune Pine is the phablet of smartwatches. While most wrist-worn gadgets are sleek and slim enough to blend in casually, this gargantuan $335 wearable computer screams for attention. That’s because the Neptune Pine is more of a wearable computer than a smartwatch, and with its 3G radio, 2.5-inch color touch screen and 1GHz single-core processor, it’s seeking to replace your phone.
Most smartwatch companies are almost certainly trying to produce the slimmest, best looking watch possible. After all, we’re expected to wear them all day every day, something that’s not going to happen if it looks like a great, big wart on your wrist. But what if design comes so low on the to-do list, it was only discussed just as everyone was going to lunch? The answer is, you end up with the Neptune Pine.