There are a lot of factors that go into making a great business grow. If you start a business with the best concept in the world but you do it in a place where the business climate isn’t conducive to growth, it will be very difficult to get your business off the ground. However, if you start your business somewhere with a climate of growth and innovation, the sky’s the limit.
One of the biggest burgeoning markets for business growth right now is Boston. There have always been large companies in Boston, but the business climate is growing now at such a rate that some companies are experiencing growth percentages in five figures. There are ten of the top 300 Inc. 5000 companies in Boston. Number five on that list is Acacia Communications, which has experienced 20,690% growth in the last three years. The top marketing and advertising firms in Boston represent some of the largest companies in the world. In addition, Massachusetts alone has 188 deals yielding $1.9 Billion in venture capital in the first half of 2014.
It takes the right climate to produce successful businesses. Learn what is bringing Boston to the cutting edge of business from this infographic by NowSourcing.
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Infographic Courtesy of NowSourcing
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