Your profile picture is one of the first things people see when viewing your social media profiles, so it’s important that the picture be at least somewhat interesting and memorable. Generic selfies are a dime a dozen on social media, so you need to get a bit creative if you want to make your profile picture stand out, but how are you supposed to tell how memorable a picture is just by looking at it? That’s where some researchers at MIT think they can be of assistance, as they’ve developed an algorithm that can rate your profile picture on how memorable it is.
If you want a profile that stands out on social networks and dating sites, a memorable picture is essential. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology claims their new MemNet algorithm can predict how memorable your photos are nearly as accurately as a human, and you can test it out for yourself. According to research from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), the algorithm has performed better than any existing visual processing algorithms out there and is close to replicating human performance. If your curious how awesome your own photos are, you can test them out on their LaMem Demo page. Once you upload a photo, you’ll receive a score between zero and one. In the example image above, there’s a score of 0.93, which means 93% of the people that view that image will still remember it after 100 seconds. That may not seem like a long time at first, but when you think about how many photos people view as they browse social networks and dating sites, it’s probably enough time to make you more memorable overall. You can learn more about CSAIL’s research here, and you can try out the MemNet algorithm for yourself at the link below.