Netflix is using in a significant chunk of American households and is responsible for an even more significant chunk of the bandwidth usage in the United States, so the company is in an excellent position to rank the country’s Internet service providers based on speed. The company routinely monitors each ISP’s average performance and has been kind enough to list them for us.
With consumers streaming more video online than ever before, having an Internet connection strong enough to handle high quality streams is more important than ever. And seeing as how Netflix is in the business of providing such streams to millions of users across the globe, it’s no surprise that the company knows a thing or two about which ISPs really deliver. As noted by Forbes, Netflix “routinely monitors the speed performance of ISPs across the globe to see which ones are performing the best with its video streams during peak viewing periods.” And with this helpful information at its disposal, Netflix has graciously decided to share it with the public via its always updated ISP speed index.