Pocket now has a public beta for people who want to test new features

Pocket is one of those apps that, once you use it, you won’t be able to live without it. Especially for people like myself who come across hundreds of articles and videos every day, the ability to save all that content to view later and easily organize and sort through everything I’ve saved is simply invaluable. While Pocket is already awesome, new features never hurt, which is why the app is now opening a public beta for people who want to test out new features. 

Pocket has made it super simple to save content to read later for the last eight years, but the popular service hasn’t been able to recommend you articles you haven’t read. That changes now. Pocket is opening up a public beta for people who want to try out new features before they’re polished, and first up is a new Recommendations tab. In Pocket’s beta for iOS, Android, and the web, the new Recommendations tab will sit next to My List, where the articles and videos you save to read/watch later are stored. The app will use the stories you save to determine which articles you might be interested in. Pocket is catching up to read-it-later rival Instapaper, which already lets you explore recommendations within the app’s Browse tab. Because Pocket’s Recommendations feature is still in beta, the company is looking for feedback to refine and improve it before rolling it out to all of Pocket’s 17 million users. The end result could be, with the help of beta testers, the best content recommendation tool around.

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.

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