Whereas Apple likes to make its products thinner and thinner every year, Samsung prefers to make it products bigger and bigger. It could even be said that Samsung is the one that started the whole phablet craze when it released the Galaxy Note a few years back, and bigger has most certainly proven to be better, at least in terms of sales, in the years since then. That being said, there’s a point where a product simply becomes too big, and Samsung’s new 18.4-inch tablet is definitely one of those products, as evidenced by the fact that it needs a built-in carrying handle.
Rumors of Samsung preparing to unleash a gargantuan 18.4-inch tablet have been circulating the web since back in August. No, Samsung hasn’t lost their minds. They’re simply one of the few device makers who actually has the cash flow to continue throwing devices of all sizes against the wall to see what will stick. In fact, some might say Samsung pioneered the phablet product category at a time when phones were barely pushing 4.7-inches. And guess what? Consumers ate it up. Although this 18.4-inch tablet was initially only in the testing phase, it seems things are progressing nicely. The folks at SamMobile have obtained what appears to be a product video showcasing the new tablet. According to the leaked images, the tablet could launch as the Samsung Galaxy View. Pretty fitting considering the whole point of the large tablet is to give users a better view of whatever they’re doing on the device. The tablet is so big it even features its own kickstand with a handle to make sure you have a firm grip on it. Probably equally as interesting is it seems to be the first Samsung device in a long time to ditch the traditional physical home button in favor of on-screen nav buttons. Have a look-see in the gallery below.
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