Many parents enforce limitation on their child’s use of electronics but in Taiwan parents will soon be legally obligated to do so. The law in question, which is very controversial within the Asian country, states that minors should “not be allowed to constantly use electronic products for a period of time that’s not reasonable” with the definition of “reasonable” not clearly stated.
Taiwan is leading the world towards a happier, safer, more social, and healthier future. Not by creating some amazing new piece of mobile technology, but by restricting its use — by law — for those of an impressionable and vulnerable age. At least, that’s what we assume it wants to achieve with a controversial new law. Here’s what’s going on: Politicians will soon introduce rules where anyone under the age of 18 should “not be allowed to constantly use electronic products for a period of time that’s not reasonable.” Reasonable could mean anything, but one member of the government defined it as no more than 30 minutes. Those under two years old are completely banned from using electronic devices. It’ll be down to parents to enforce the rules, and those that disobey them face fines of $2,000, should it lead to mental or physical illness in the child.