T-Mobile is on a rampage but Deutsche Telekom still isn’t satisfied

T-Mobile has been on a roll these past couple of years, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. Even as it acknowledged how successful T-Mobile US has been, Deutsche Telekom, which owns 66% of the company, said that it wants to continue making the company as profitable as possible, and if it needs a partner to do so, it’s more than happy to form a partnership. 

Deutsche Telekom will consider any partner that can improve profitability at its U.S. operations, its chief executive told the company’s annual shareholders meeting. Chief Executive Tim Hoettges said on Thursday T-Mobile US, of which Deutsche Telekom owns 66 percent, was in much better shape than two years ago. “But it is our duty to go on improving the return on T-Mobile US,” he added. “If we find a partner who will help us to do so, we will obviously consider it.” T-Mobile US, the fourth-largest wireless carrier in the United States, has turned around years of subscriber losses with cut-price deals, savvy marketing and well-publicized wireless plans in recent quarters. The turn-around comes as the U.S. telecoms market consolidates, with mobile operators expanding their services into fixed-line connections, broadband and television.

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