Consoles vs PC gaming
The battle has long waged between different gamer types. Which is better, console or PC gaming? That’s a question that likely won’t be answered in this generation, but we can all keep trying.
Since 2009, PC game revenues have increased while console game revenues have decreased. 2010 marked the first recent shift in trends where more money was generated through PC game sales than console games. The trend started showing signs of reversing this year as projections for the holidays and into 2012 show a greater increase in console gaming sales over PC.
Hardcore-PC-Gamers often point to processing power as the reason behind their choice. PS3 is the most powerful of the major consoles but weighs in at 550 MHz. While this is plenty for nearly all games, the rise of HD and 3D games is starting to require more juice than to run at peak graphic performance.
Regardless of which side you’re on, one thing is clear: there is no end in sight for either PC or console gaming. The popularity of both is on the rise and there’s enough room for more contenders if necessary.
This infographic by our friends at Ignite breaks down the battle lines and demonstrate why the war will continue, likely for a long, long time.
Click to enlarge.